Thursday, August 16, 2007

Peaks 2007

We attended our annual lab reunion held again at the Peak's "cabin" on beautiful Silver Lake just outside of Tommahawk, WI. Fran got to see and hear her favorite bird the loon. We also got to watch a bald eagle give chase to 2 ducks. It tried to catch them but after flying half-way around the lake he finally gave up the chase.

Sunset from their pier.

The fellows worked on fixing the steps down to the pier. Not a professional job but it makes it easier for Lavonne to get up and down the hill.

This year we had the grandkids (well some of them) come for the reuion as well. Our kids Lori and Brian with Tanner and Cheyenne are on left. Jodi and Charlene Marsh (Herb and Lavonne's daughter) with their children Adelle and Jared also were present.

These are the individuals that worked in the lab at Hinsdale (l-r) Owen and Sandy Spencer, June Clements, Al McMullen, Herb Peak, Steve Clements, Dick Show

The Hinsdale reuion (l-r) Sandy, Owen, June, Steve, Lavonne, Herb, Fran, Dorothy, and Dick. Al's taking the picture.

Friday, August 3, 2007

More changes to house

With the addition of a new garage door we decided the house needed repainted so this is the beginning of a big project. ecided not to go with white but rather a sand color with white trim

We haven't decided what color to paint the black enclosure yet so come back to see later changes.