Friday, July 13, 2012

Alaska Trip - Part 1

 We began our trip on June 13th and drove to Jamestown, ND first day. Second night we spent in Saskatoon, SK. Then Friday noon we stopped in Vegreville, AB to visit Uncle Joe and Aunt Ann. This is the worlds largest easter egg.

 After spending a lovely Sabbath and Sunday with Sister-In-Law Eva McMullen, and getting a chance to visit with my "Baby Sister Colleen"  we left for North to Alaska!!

This is the countryside as one drives from Edmonton, AB towards Whitecourt, AB When I drove truck in the oilfield this was a narrow two lane highway.

Arrived in Whitecourt around noon. My brother Wally and I built a liquor store here one summer. This was where I earned enough money to return to Columbia Union College for my sophomore year.

Heading North out of Whitecourt, AB heading for Grande Prairie, AB. Still not on the Alaska Highway.

Welcome to Grande Praire, AB

Sign is encouraging. At least we are heading in right direction. Still not to the start of Alaska Highway.

Welcome sign for Beaverodge, AB. Just before the BC border.

Finally into British Columbia. Next stop Dawson Creek and the start of the Alaska Highway.

The Mile 0 marker in Dawson Creek, BC

The Alaska Highway as you leave Dawson Creek heading West.

First city you come to on Alaska Highway is Fort St. John. When I drove truck in oilfield I often had to bring loads to this city. Just had to unload and head home as other truckers took sand to oilwells.

Heading NW out of Fort St. John. BC

We enjoyed the way BC kept the vegetation trimmed back away from highway as it allowed us to spot animals before we were right up to them.

Lots of black bears along the side of road. They really seemed to enjoy the dandelions which were plentiful. We saw so many black bears that we finally would just keep on driving.

Now moose were a different story. This was the first one of about 8 that we saw on whole trip. I sure wished I had a bigger lens for my camera.

Entering Fort Nelson, BC.

In the higher elevations there was still snow alongside the road.

Began seeing beautiful mountain lakes. The camera doesn't do justice to the color. The water was almost emerald color.

The neat thing about the BC and Yukon Territory is they allow you to camp just about where ever you want. This fellow just parked at the end of the lake and setup camp. Beautiful spot.

Lots of Stone Sheep along the road. They didn't seem to mind being photographed.

We had to stop for this guy. The cinnamon colored black bear. 

More beautiful mountain lakes coming into Watson Lake.

Began seeing Wood Buffalo. These are much bigger than those seen on the prairies.
Well stay tuned for the next leg of our journey. We will begin at Watson Lake, YT.

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