Monday, July 23, 2007

Tyler in hammock

This past Sabbath Daryl, Tammy and kids came over for dinner along with Lori and her two kids. I took this picture of tyler in the hammock Lori brought back from Guatemala. He's not too sure he likes it.

New look to our house

This past week I added the white vinyl railing to the front of the house. I think it added to the look.

This is the before view.

Seen over our house

One two consecutive days the Goodyear blimp flew over our house. The first day it had a strong head wind and took a long time to pass over. The second day it was very still and it moved over fairly quickly.

Monday, July 16, 2007

July 4th

On July 4th Lori and her two children, Tanner and Cheyenne along with Grandma and Grandpa McMullen had a lovely dinner at Elaine Manley's (Nana) then went and watched the fireworks from the bluff overlooking lake michigan in St. Joseph.

The ladies painted their toenails patriotic colors.