Can you believe that his cutie is now 14 years old? Where has the time gone?
Our first Granddaughter just turned 14. Friends and family came together for the celebration on Wednesday for supper.
Glad Grandpa added on to the dining room.
Cheyenne wanted Grandma's icecream pie instead of a birthday cake and her favorite is the mint chocolate chip icecream. Grandma made 1/2 of one pie in vanilla in case someone didn't like the mint chocolate chip.
Blow those candles out before the icecream melts!
She did a great job with blowing out all 14 candles.
Chey patiently waiting for everyone to come into the livingroom so she can open her presents.
Her brother Tanner helped her with the present openings.
She loves to read so these books will be devoured in a short time.
Something funny in that card Chey?
I think Tanner is just starting the unwrapping.
This was a cute card.
Where did she go? We had a great time and wish Cheyenne many more years of life. She's a very special young lady. Can't imagine life without her. God bless.
Son playing against the Andrews University kids. he young legs won out but Daryl's team kept the score 1 - 1 until the third period. Then the young legs made 3 goals plus an open net goal.
Ready for his slap shot. When we played floor hockey I played goalie and often faced Daryl's slap shots. He can really lay the timber to the ole puck.